Monday, November 29, 2021

The Top Plumbing Myths That May Cost You a Lot of Money


I guess we all know what the term “conventional wisdom” means. Like, conventional wisdom is something that's passed down from one generation to another, and applies to anything and everything. However, the unfortunate thing about conventional wisdom is that it's either oversimplified, or just plain wrong! Take for example the conventional wisdom in plumbing. Just run water with the garbage disposal? Or, throw away the user manuals? Here's a peek at the top plumbing Cannon Hill myths that may cost you a lot of money.


“Plumbing Fixtures are Generally Low Maintenance”

Here's one popular plumbing Cannon Hill myth that is sure to cost you a lot of money in the long run. Why? Because ignoring plumbing fixtures just because they're as hard as stone, or as cold as steel, could be detrimental to their performance.


For example, if your electric water heater always sits there unused, it could create highly-combustible and explosive hydrogen gas,  which could literally cost you a lot of bang for your buck! And, the lack of use allows a P-trap to evaporate, and enable deadly sewer gas to fill up the house!


The better thing to do would be to not let your plumbing fixtures sit idle for long periods of time. Periodically use them to make sure that no health or safety risks are created. And, the time it takes to turn on your fixtures on every once in a while could save you a lot of money, because it prevents your home from literally blowing up!


“Users Manuals are Only for Those who Don'tKnow What They're Doing”

Here's another truly dumb plumbing Cannon Hill myth that I'm surprised continues to fool a lot of people today. Well, users manuals are not just filled with colorful photos or labels, and lists of various plumbing parts.


They actually contain a lot of helpful and useful information, even if they may not be the most entertaining thing to read in the world! So, please read your user manuals, so you can save money (and time and effort) in the long run.


In fact, read the manual every time you're faced with a plumbing problem, no matter how simple it is.  It's because user manuals contain lots of valuable details on warranties and proper usage, which should help increase the lifespan of your faucets, water heaters and other plumbing-related products.


“Water Pressure Regulators are Always Dependable”

Yes, most plumbing Cannon Hill experts agree that water pressure regulators do provide crucial information with regard to water pressure. However, do not place your complete trust in the readings they provide!


In fact, it would be best to personally check your water pressure, because doing so will save you a lot of time and money (and it could spare you from a lot of hassles too!). Keep in mind that high water pressure is  a big cause of leaks, flooding and that disgusting sound that your toilet makes when it continuously runs to relieve pressure.


“As Long as it goes Down the Drain, Everything is working Properly”

Well, the term “out of sight, out of mind” certainly does not apply to the real plumbing Cannon Hill world! Even if you can’t see it, stuff like toilet paper, food like pasta or rice, and other stuff will definitely bloat in the pipes and cause clogs, which block the passage of other waste through the pipes!


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